Four Takeaways from the 2019 HR Tech Conference

Coaching & Development, Culture, Products

Four Takeaways from the 2019 HR Tech Conference

The 2019 HR Tech Conference, October 1 - 4 in Las Vegas had approximately 500 HR technology vendors showcasing their products. There were informative breakout sessions across a variety of tracks such as analytics, the future of work, talent management, HR transformation, and core HR. Select keynote speakers included Barbara Corcoran and Josh Bersin. Adding to the excitement was a Startup Pitch Fest where startups competed for seed money. Overall, the amount of information was vast and insights many. Here are my top four takeaways from the week.

Trial and Error

Don’t want to invest in an app or technology across the entire enterprise? Seem too risky or cumbersome? Then trial and error is the way to go. Schneider Electric is taking that approach and it’s working well for them. If an app works, they take it to the next level. If not, then they move on with minimal resource depletion.


For decades it’s been about learning management systems and employee management. There is a noticeably significant shift to being all about the experience; the employee experience that is. The thinking is moving away from a one-sided approach – the organization and/or management toward talent experience as an all-encompassing, more wholistic philosophy.

Growth Mindset

The seminal work by Dweck on the “Growth Mindset” is not new. However, the adoption of her work into the world of work is highly evident. Being good at what you do isn’t enough. Growing up in an industry doesn’t make you an expert and, in fact, might enable a fixed mindset. The growth mindset is essential to driving motivation and achievement – seems like something to explore during the hiring process, no?


Technology is an incredible ally and can accelerate break throughs – medical, automotive, financial – however, relationships still matter. Apps that improve engagement and trust through relationships will differentiate themselves. Consider how many coaching assignments or development plans are centered around enhancing working alliances, or how essential people relationships are during a merger. TrustSphere offers a unique platform that fuses technology and relationships.